Work on AI in the context of spiritual community

MAPLE is offering AI residencies to those working at the intersection of AI and existential risk. In this program you will live in the context of a flourishing spiritual community in beautiful rural Vermont, while researching or developing AI systems.

We will provide food, accommodation, space to work, and immersion in an authentic community of spiritual practitioners. Beyond that you will have the opportunity to collaborate with our AI team as they experiment with emerging technologies in the context of spiritual practice.

We think that recent developments in AI will shift the distribution of power in the world in ways that we haven’t seen for centuries. We think this will be so significant that we will provide space within our community in order to build relationships with people at the forefront of AI.

Our head teacher, Soryu Forall, recently discussed the relationship between goals, measurement, optimization, collaboration, and AI:

Several residents at MAPLE have long been concerned about existential risks posed by AI. Here are some research pieces produced during MAPLE residencies:

The duration of an AI residency can be anywhere from one month to indefinite. Let’s connect and discuss what might work for you.

The cost of an AI residency is $3000 per month. Financial aid is available via an AI fellowship for those that qualify. This fellowship covers the cost of the AI residency plus a living stipend. Please connect with us using the form below to find out more about this.

Who we're looking for

We are looking to build relationships with AI researchers and developers who have an interest in building AI systems that will benefit all life on Earth. If you have an existing product, project or personal research program and would like to do that work in the context of a beautiful and nourishing spiritual community, then the AI residency may be a perfect fit for you. If you have experience in AI research and/or development, but no current project or research program, then the AI residency may be a perfect context for you to work out what you want to do. If you have no prior experience in AI research and/or development then the program is probably not a good fit for you.

What we’re offering

MAPLE offers a full daily schedule of meditation, community meals, talks, discussion and relationship building workshops. As an AI resident you will have the opportunity to participate in as many of these offerings as you wish. We require that you participate in morning and evening sitting and chanting, which run from 4:40am until 6:30am each morning, and from 7pm until 9pm each evening.

Coaching and mentorship

There are MAPLE trainees with PhDs in machine learning, experience working in and running AI companies, and research track records in AI alignment. Several current MAPLE trainees can offer coaching or mentorship to AI residents. In some cases this comes at no cost, while in other cases there is a cost associated. If your work would benefit from such relationships then the AI residency may be an ideal opportunity to begin collaborations.

Recent AI-related events at MAPLE

Soryu on The Integral Stage Podcast

The Integral Stage podcast recently hosted our head teacher, Soryu Forall, for a discussion about existential risks due to AI:

Feel free to send questions to